Neil Farbstein, President of the Clean Energy Foundation has invented a laser countermeasures system that can deflect high energy laser beams from aircraft offering protection from laser weapons.
broad spectrum antibiotics that kill all gram positive bacteria
including dangerous antibiotic resistant bacteria.
magnetocaloric refrigerator that will be more energy efficient
than current models.
Consumer air
conditioners, geothermal heat pumps and refrigerators with higher
efficiency at almost the same price.
solar cell that might be cheaper than the competition and that gets
20% efficiency or above.
pending (US 14488452 "Ultrahigh Strength
Nanomaterials And Methods Of Manufacture." )
super high performance materials high tensile, strength breaking
nanotube coatings for high voltage DPF nuclear fusion reactor electrodes.
breakthrough method of manufacturing high strength graphene
nanopaper for bullet proof vests. We are negotiating R&D
partnership with the US Navy. The nanopaper is several times tougher
than kevlar Our
homepage shows the WORLD'S FIRST Fluorinated Graphene nanopaper 3 D printed ceramics and wires that
have higher electrical and thermal conductivity than all other materials. Competitive with the nanotube wires they are
using on the Juno planetary probe currently in the news. The
Clean Energy Research Foundation Inc. is researching methods of designing GMO plants with
as much as 50% higher productivity by genetically modifying their chloroplasts. It is a
general method that can be applied to cotton, food and oilseed crops and to energy
The genetic transformation on our drawing board
is a novel method of reducing oxygen inhibition of Rubisco, which is a
major factor limiting crop productivity.
We want an R&D partnership with corporate
and government laboratories to research and develop our valuable technology.
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